clc clear //Input data T=800;//The given temperature in K e=1;//The equivalence ratio //Calculations hi=154.723;//Sensible Enthalpy for isooctane at 800 K in MJ/kmol ho=15.841;//Sensible Enthalpy for oxygen at 800 K in MJ/kmol hn=15.046;//Sensible Enthalpy for nitrogen at 800 K in MJ/kmol nc=0.00058;//Number of kmoles of C8H18 for equivalence ratio for 1 kg of air no=0.00725;//Number of kmoles of oxygen for equivalence ratio for 1 kg of air nn=0.0273;//Number of kmoles of nitrogen for equivalence ratio for 1 kg of air Hs=(nc*hi)+(no*ho)+(nn*hn);//Total sensible enthalpy of reactants in MJ per kg of air Hs1=Hs*1000;//Total sensible enthalpy of reactants in kJ per kg of air R=8.314;//Gas constant in kJ/kgK n=nc+no+nn;//Total number of kmoles for 1 kg of air Us=Hs-(n*R*10^-3*(T-298));//sensible internal energy of reactants in MJ per kg of air Us1=Us*1000;//sensible internal energy of reactants in kJ per kg of air //Output printf('Total sensible enthalpy of reactants = %3.1f kJ/kg air \n Sensible internal energy of reactants = %3.1f kJ/kg air ',Hs1,Us1)