clc clear //Input data r=8;//Compression ratio lcv=44000;//The lower heating value of the fuel in kJ/kg af=15;//The air/fuel ratio Cv=0.71;//The specific heat at constant volume in kJ/kgK p=1;//The pressure at the beginning of the compression in bar t=60;//The temperature at the beginning of the compression in degree centigrade Mo=32;//Molecular weight of oxygen Mn=28.161;//Molecular weight of nitrogen Mh=18;//Molecular weight of water n=1.3;//Polytropic index //Calculations T1=(t+273);//The temperature at the beginning of the compression in K sa=[12.5*[Mo+(3.76*Mn)]]/[(12*8)+(1*Mh)];//The stoichiometric air fuel ratio Y=af*[[(12*8)+(1*Mh)]/(Mo+(3.76*Mn))];//To balance the oxygen and nitrogen x=(12.5-Y)*2;//By oxygen balance nb=1+Y+(Y*3.76);//Number of moles before combustion na=x+7.8+9+46.624;//Number of moles after combustion Me=[(na-nb)/nb]*100;//The percentage molecular expansion in percent T2=T1*(r)^(n-1);//The temperature at point 2 in K T3=[lcv/(af+1)]*(1/Cv)+(T2);//The temperature at point 3 in K p3=r*(T3/T1)*p;//The pressure at point 3 in bar p31=p3*(na/nb);//The pressure at point 3 with molar expansion in bar //Output printf('The percentage molecular expansion is %3.0f percent \n (a) Without considering the molecular expansion \n The maximum temperature is %3.0f K \n The maximum pressure is %3.0f bar \n (b) With molecular expansion \n The maximum temperature is %3.0f K \n The maximum pressure is %3.1f bar ',Me,T3,p3,T3,p31)