clc clear //Input data CO=12;//The composition of carbondioxide of combustion by volume in percentage C=0.5;//The composition of carbonmoxide of combustion by volume in percentage O=4;//The composition of oxygen of combustion by volume in percentage N=83.5;//The composition of nitrogen of combustion by volume in percentage o=32;//Molecular weight of the oxygen co=44;//Molecular weight of the carbondioxide c=12;//Molecular weight of the carbon s=32;//Molecular weight of the sulphur so=64;//Molecular weight of sulphur dioxide n1=28;//Molecular weight of the nitrogen h=2;//Molecular weight of the hydrogen //Calculations m=12+0.5;//Balancing carbon x=N/3.76;//Balancing nitrogen z=[x-(CO+(C/2)+O)]*2;//Balancing oxygen n=z*h;//Balancing hydrogen Af=[(x*o)+(N*n1)]/[(m*c)+(n)];//Air/fuel ratio As=[(18.46*o)+(69.41*n1)]/173.84;//Stoichiometric air/fuel ratio Ta=(Af/As)*100;//Percent theoretical air mc=[(m*c)/173.84]*100;//Composition of carbon on mass basis in percent mh=(n/173.84)*100;//Composition of hydrogen on mass basis in percent //Output printf(' (a)The air/fuel ratio = %3.2f \n (b)The percent theoretical air = %3.1f percent \n (c)The percentage composition of fuel on a mass basis : \n C = %3.1f percent \n H = %3.1f percent ',Af,Ta,mc,mh)