clc clear //Input data m=30;//The air fuel ratio by mass T1=300;//The temperature of air at the beginning of the compression in K r=16;//The compression ratio CV=42000;//The calorific value of the fuel in kJ/kg g=1.4;//Isentropic index Cp=1.005;//Specific heat at constant prassure in kJ/kgK //Calculations T2=T1*(r^(g-1));//Temperature at point 2 in K T3=[(1/m)*(CV/Cp)]+T2;//Temperature at point 3 in K C=T3/T2;//The cut off ratio n=(1-[(1/r^(g-1))*[((C^g)-1)/(g*(C-1))]])*100;//The ideal efficiency of the engine based on the air standard cycle //Output printf(' The ideal efficiency of the engine based on the air standard cycle = %3.1f percent ',n)