clc clear //Input data d=0.18;//The diameter of the cylinder in m pi=3.141;//Mathematical constant of pi L=0.24;//The length of the stroke in m t=30;//Duration trail in min N=9000;//Number of revolutions Ne=4450;//Total number of explosions pmi=5.35;//Gross imep in bar pp=0.35;//Pumping imep in bar W=40;//Net load on brake wheel in kg dd=0.96;//Diameter of the brake wheel drum in m dr=0.04;//Diameter of the rope in m V=2.6;//Volume of gas used in m^3 pg=136;//pressure of gas in mmof Hg dg=0.655;//The density of gas in kg/m^3 T=290;//The ambient temperature of air in K CV=19000;//The calorific value of the fuel in kJ/m^3 ta=40;//Total air used in m^3 p=720;//Pressure of air in mm of Hg Te=340;//Temperature of exhaust gas in degree centigrade Cpg=1.1;//Specific heat of gas in kJ/kgK C=80;//Cooling water circulated in kg Tr=30;//Rise in temperature of cooling water in degree centigrade R=287;//Real gas constant in J/kgK //Calculations ip=(pmi-pp)*10^5*L*(pi/4)*d^2*(Ne/(30*60))*(1/1000);//The indicated power in kW bp=(pi*(N/(30*60))*W*9.81*(dd+dr)*(1/1000));//The brake power in kW pgs=760+(pg/13.6);//Pressure of gas supplied in mm of Hg Vg=((pgs*V)/290)*(273/760);//The volume of gas in m^3 Q=(Vg*CV)/30;//Heat supplied by gas used at NTP in kJ/min Qbp=bp*60;//Heat equivalent of bp in kJ/min Qc=(C/t)*4.18*Tr;//Heat lost to cooling medium in kJ/min Va=[((p*ta)/T)*(273/760)]/30;//Volume of air used in kg/min da=(1.013*10^5)/(R*273);//The density of air in kg/m^3 ma=Va*da;//Mass of air used in kg/min mg=(Vg/30)*dg;//Mass of gas at NTP in kg/min me=ma+mg;//Total mass of exhaust gas in kg/min Qe=me*Cpg*(Te-(T-273));//Heat loss to exhaust gas in kJ/min Qu=Q-(Qe+Qc+Qbp);//Unaccounted heat loss in kJ/min nm=(bp/ip)*100;//Mechanical efficiency in percent ni=((ip*60)/Q)*100;//Indicated thermal efficiency in percent x=((Qbp/1571)*100);//percentage heat in bp y=((Qc/1571)*100);//Percent heat lost to cooling water z=((Qe/1571)*100);//Percent heat to exhaust gases k=((Qu/1571)*100);//Percent heat unaccounted //Output printf('--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n Heatinput kJ/min percent Heat expenditure kJ/min percent \n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n Heat \n supplied 1571 100 (a) Heat in bp %3.1f %3.1f \n (b) Heat loss to cooling water %3.1f %3.1f \n (c) Heat to exhaust gas %3.1f %3.1f \n (d) Unaccounted heat %3.1f %3.1f \n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n The mechanical efficiency = %3.2f percent \n The Indicated thermal efficiency = %3.1f percent ',Qbp,x,Qc,y,Qe,z,Qu,k,nm,ni)