clc clear //Input data N=3000;//The speed of the engine in rpm r=9;//Compression ratio l=17.2;//The length of the connecting rod in cm t=20;//The combustion ends at a TDC in degrees pi=3.141;//Mathematical constant of pi k=3;//Three litre spark engine n=6;//V-6 Engine //Calculations Vs=(k/n)*10^-3;//Swept volume per cylinder in m^3 d=[[(Vs*4)/pi]^(1/3)];//The diameter of the bore in m L=d*100;//The length of the stroke in cm up=2*d*N/60;//Average piston speed in m/s Vc=[Vs/(r-1)]*10^6;//Clearence volume in cm^3 cr=(L)/2;//Crank radius in cm R=l/cr;//The ratio of the connecting rod length to crank radius up1=up*[(pi/2)*sin(pi/9)*(1+(cos(pi/9)/(R^2-(sin(pi/9)^2))^(1/2)))];//The piston speed at the end of combustion in m/s s=(cr*cos(pi/9))+(l^2-(cr^2)*(sin(pi/9))^2)^(1/2);//Distance between crank axis and wrist pin in cm x=l+cr-s;//The distance the piston travels from TDC at the end of combustion in cm V=Vc+(pi/4)*(d*100)^2*x;//Instantaneous volume in cm^3 //Output printf('(a)The cylinder bore and The stroke length (d = L) = %3.1f cm \n (b) The average piston speed = %3.1f m/s \n (c) The clearence volume of one cylinder = %3.1f cm^3 \n (d) The piston speed at the end of combustion = %3.2f m/s \n (e) The distance the piston travels from TDC at the end of combustion = %3.2f cm \n (f) Instantaneous volume = %3.1f cm^3 ',L,up,Vc,up1,x,V)