clc clear //Input data Vs=0.003;//Swept volume in m^3 bmep=9;//Brake mean effective pressure in bar N=4000;//The speed of the engine in rpm ni=30;//Indicated thermal efficiency in percent nm=90;//Mechanical efficiency in percent bmep1=12;//The brake mean effective pressure of other engine in bar N1=4000;//The speed of other engine in rpm ni1=25;//The indicated thermal efficiency of other engine in percent nm1=91;//The mechanical efficiency of other engine in percent m=200;//The mass of naturally aspired engine in kg m1=220;//The mass of supercharged engine in kg CV=44000;//The calorific value of the fuel in kJ/kg //Calculations bp=(bmep*10^5*Vs*N)/(2*60*1000);//The brake power in kW ip=bp/(nm/100);//The indicated power in kW mf=(ip)/((ni/100)*CV);//Mass flow rate of fuel in kg/s bp1=(bmep1*10^5*Vs*N1)/(2*60*1000);//The brake power for supercharged engine in kW ip1=bp1/(nm1/100);//The indicated power for supercharged engine in kW mf1=ip1/((ni1/100)*CV);//Mass flow rate of fuel for supercharged engine in kg/s mf2=mf*3600;//Mass flow rate of fuel per hour in kg/h mf3=mf1*3600;//Mass flow rate of fuel per hour in supercharged engine in kg/h x=[(200/90)-(220/120)]/[(43.2/120)-(27.27/90)];//Maximum hours of fuel supply foe test in hrs //Output printf (' The maximum hours required for supply of sufficient fuel = %3.3f hr ',x)