//example 3.6 //calculate //storage capcity of soil //Water depth required to be applied clc; //Given Fc=0.22; //Field Capacity wc=0.1; //wilting coefficient gammad=15; //dry unit weigth of soil gammaw=9.81; //unit wiegth of water d=0.7; //root zone depth w=0.14; //falled moisture content E=0.75; //water application efficiency SC=gammad*d*(Fc-wc)*100/gammaw; D=gammad*d*(Fc-w)*1000/gammaw; FIR=D/E; //Field irrigation requirement SC=round(SC*10)/10; D=round(D); FIR=round(FIR)+1; mprintf("Maximum storage capacity of soil=%f cm.",SC); mprintf("\nWater depth required to be applied=%f mm",D); mprintf("\nField Irrigation Requirement=%f mm",FIR);