//example 3.23 //calculate irrigation schedule clc; //given Fc=0.18; //field capacity wc=0.07; //wilting cofficient Sg=1.35; //bulk density of soil d=1.2; //root zone depth m=Fc-wc; mo=wc+m/3; dw=100*Sg*d*(Fc-mo); mprintf("Depth of water required=%f cm",dw); ev1=1.1; //average evapotranspiration rates in 1 NOV-30 NOV ev2=1.7; //average evapotranspiration rates in 1 DEC-31 DEC ev3=2.4; //average evapotranspiration rates in 1 JAN-31 JAN ev4=1.5; //average evapotranspiration rates in 1 FEB-28 FEB ev5=3.5; //average evapotranspiration rates in 1 MAR-25 MAR //irrigation requirement from 1 NOV to 3 JAn dev=(ev1*30+ev2*31+ev3*3)/10; mprintf("\n\nWater consumed by evapotranspiration=%f cm.",dev); mprintf("\nNo water is required during 1 NOV-3 JAN"); //irrigation requirement after 3rd JAN ws=(ev3-1.5)*16/10; //water consumed from soil from 4 JAN-19 JAN ts=ws+dev; //water withdrawn from soil from 1 NOV-19 JAN s=(dw-ts)*10; day=s/ev3; depth=ts+(4*ev3)/10+(2*ev3)/10; mprintf("\n\ndepth of water required in first irrigation=%f cm.",depth); ///irrigation requirement from 26 JAn to 25 MAR w1=ev3*6; w2=ev4*28; w3=ev5*25; W=w1+w2+w3; x=(dw*10-(14.4+42))/ev5; mprintf("\n\nHence second irrigation is required after %f days i.e on 18th March.",x); depth1=(W-(dw*10))/10; mprintf("\nrequired water depth=%f cm",depth1); mprintf("\n\nFirst Watering on 29 JAn and 30 JAN=%f cm.\nSecond watering required on 18th March=%f cm.",depth,depth1);