//example 3.19 //calculate //consumptive use of rice using penman's formula in january clc; //Given L=20; //latitude of place(degree North) T=15; //mean monthly temperature(degree celcius) RH=0.5; //relative humidity E=250; //elevation of area V=25; //wind velocity at 2 m heigth //from table 3.10 VP=12.79; //saturation vapour pressure s=0.8; //slope of curve between vapur pressure and temperature //from table 3.11 R=10.8; //from table 3.12 N=11.1; //from table 3.9 n=7.74; p=n/N; e=VP*RH; Ea=0.002187*(160+V)*(VP-e); r=0.2; alpha=0.49; sigma=2.01D-9; Ta=293; H=R*(1-r)*(0.29*cos(%pi/9)+0.55*p)-sigma*Ta^4*(0.56-0.092*e^0.5)*(0.10+0.9*p); Et=(s*H+alpha*Ea)*31/(s+alpha); Et=round(Et*10)/10; mprintf("consumptive use of rice in january=%f mm of water.",Et);