//example 14.32 //calculate dimension of channel if it is design on the basis of Laecy theory and Kennedy's theory clc;funcprot(0); //given Q=40; //discharge f=1; //silt factor //Laecey's theory V=(Q*f/140)^(1/6); A=Q/V; P=4.75*Q^0.5; D=(P-(P^2-6.944*A)^0.5)/3.472; B=P-2.236*D; R=5*V^2/(2*f); S=f^(5/3)/(3340*Q^(1/6)); B=round(B); D=round(D*100)/100; mprintf("\n\nBy Laecey theory:"); mprintf("\nBed slope=%f.",S); mprintf("\nWidth of channel section=%f m.",B); mprintf("\nDepth of channel section=%f m.",D); //Kennedy's theory r=B/D; m=1; //critical velocity ratio N=0.0225; //rogosity coefficient //using equation of area of trapezoidal section;Vo=0.55mD^0.64 and Q=A*Vo D=(Q/8.058)^(1/2.64); B=r*D; B=round(B); D=round(D*100)/100; mprintf("\n\nBy Kennedy theory:"); mprintf("\nWidth of channel section=%f m.",B); mprintf("\nDepth of channel section=%f m.",D);