//example 14.10 //design irrigation channel according to Laecy silt theory clc;funcprot(0); //given Q=15; //discharge f=1; //laecy silt factor s=1/2; //channel side slope V=(Q*f^2/140); A=Q/V; R=5*V^2/(2*f); //using the value of A in equations we get, //equation in D as y=poly([-21.765,18.336,-1.73],'x','c'); D=roots(y); //we get D=9.2368003 and 1.3620436. //taking D=1.3620436; B=18.336-D*2.23; P=4.75*Q^0.5; S=1/(3340*Q^(1/6)); B=round(B*10)/10; D=round(D*100)/100; mprintf("Width of channel section=%f m.",B); mprintf("\nDepth of channel section=%f m.",D); mprintf("\nBed slope=%f.",S);