//example 12.6 //calculate floor thickness at mid length and at junction with u/s and d/s cut-off walls clc;funcprot(0); //given b=13; //length of floor d=2; //depth of downstream wall D=1.5; //depth of upstream cut-off rho=2.24; //relative density H=1.5; //at junction of d/s cut-off with floor alpha=b/d; lambda=(1+(1+alpha^2)^0.5)/2; fie=acos((lambda-2)/lambda)/%pi; C=19*(D/b)^0.5*((d+D)/b); fie=fie*100-C; P=H*fie/100; t=P/(rho-1); t=round(t*10)/10; mprintf("floor thickness at junction of d/s cut-off with floor=%f m.",t); //at junction of u/s cut-off with floor alpha=b/D; lambda1=(1+(1+alpha^2)^0.5)/2; fie=acos((lambda1-2)/lambda1)/%pi; fic=1-fie; //by principle reversibility of flow C=19*(D/b)^0.5*((d+D)/b); fiec=fic*100+C; P=fiec*H/100; t=0.3; //this the uplift will be counter balanced by downward weigth of impounded water mprintf("\nfloor thickness at junction of u/s cut-off with floor=%f m.",t); //at mid-length P=(1.08+0.489)/2; //assuming linear variation t=P/(rho-1); t=round(t*100)/100; mprintf("\nfloor thickness at mid-length=%f m.",t); //exit gradient G=H/(d*%pi*(lambda)^0.5); G=round(G*1000)/1000; //since G<0.18 mprintf("\n G=%f. <0.18./nfloor is safe against failure by piping.",G);