//example 12.2 //calculate uplift pressure and exit gradient //check whether section is safe against overturning and piping clc;funcprot(0); //given b=54; //width of section D1D2=16; //distance between points D1 and D2 D2D3=37; //distance between points D2 and D3 //first pipe line //taking data from figure d=105-97; b1=0.5; alpha=b/d; //from the curves we get fic1=0.665; fid1=0.76; fie1=1; t=105-104; //floor thickness corec=(fid1-fic1)*100*t/d; //correction for floor thickness //for pile no. 2 D=104-97; d=104-97; bdash=16; C=19*(D/bdash)^0.5*(d+D)/b; //correction for pile no. 2 fic1=fic1*100+corec+C; //corrected pressures //intermedite pipe line d=105-97; b1=16.5; alpha=b/d; r=b1/b; //ratio b1/b //from the curves we get fic2=0.52; fie2=0.725; fid2=0.615; corec_c1=(fid2-fic2)*100*t/d; corec_e1=(fie2-fid2)*100/d; //for pile no. 1 C1=C; d=104-97; bdash=37; D=104-95; C2=19*(D/bdash)^0.5*(d+D)/b; //correction due to slope corec_e2=3.3; //from table 12.4 //correction is negative due to upwrd slope l=4; //horizontal length of slope corec_c2=corec_e2*l/bdash; fie2=fie2*100-corec_e1-corec_e2; fic2=fic2*100+corec_c1+C2-corec_c2; //pile no. 3 at d/s end d=103.5-95; alpha_=d/b; //for curves fie3=0.35;fid3=0.242; corec_t=(fie3-fid3)*100*(103.5-102)/d; //correction for interference at pile no. 2 d=102-95; D=102-97; C3=19*(D/bdash)^0.5*(d+D)/b; fie3=fie3*100-corec_t-C3; point=['C1' 'C2' 'E2' 'E3']; //Point P=[fic1 fic2 fie2 fie3]; //pressure percent P_=[3.55 2.78 3.39 1.58]; //pressure head mprintf("Points Pressure percent Pressure head"); for i=1:4 P(i)=round(P(i)*10)/10; mprintf("\n%s %f %f",point(i),P(i),P_(i)); end //check for floor thickness Pa=P_(2)-((P_(2)-P_(4))*6.5/37); Pb=P_(2)-((P_(2)-P_(4))*24/37); Pc=P_(2)-((P_(2)-P_(4))*30/37); rho=2.24; //specific gravity of concrete ta=Pa/(rho-1); tb=Pb/(rho-1); tc=Pc/(rho-1); ta=round(ta*100)/100; tb=round(tb*100)/100; tc=round(tc*100)/100; mprintf("\n\nThickness required at A=%f m.",ta); mprintf("\nThickness required at B=%f m.",tb); mprintf("\nThickness required at C=%f m.",tc); t=103.5-102; mprintf("\nThickness provided=%f m.",t); mprintf("\nFloor thickness at B and C are adequate"); //exit gradient H=108.5-103.5; //seepage head d=103.5-95; //depth cut-off //from exit gradient curve alpha=6.35; lambda=(1+(1+alpha^2)^0.5)/2; Ge=H/(d*%pi*lambda^0.5); mprintf("\n\nexit gradient=%f.",Ge); mprintf("\n it is less than permissible exit gradient < 1/6\nHence safe..");