//developed in windows XP operating system 32bit //platform Scilab 5.4.1 clc;clear; //example 20.2 //calculation of the dispersive power of the material of the lens //given data fr=90//focal length(in cm) for the red light fv=86.4//focal length(in cm) for the violet light //calculation //(1/f) = (mu-1) * ((1/R1) - (1/R2)) //muv - 1 =K/fv.....and.....mur - 1 = K/fr //let m = muv - mur and K = 1 m=((1/fv)-(1/fr)) //muy - 1 = ((muv + mur)/2) - 1 = (K/2)*((1/fv) - (1/fr)) //let n = muy -1 and K = 1 n=(1/2)*((1/fv)+(1/fr)) //w = (muv-mur)/(mu-1).........definition of the dispersive power w=m/n printf('the dispersive power of the material of the lens is %3.3f',w)