//developed in windows XP operating system 32bit //platform Scilab 5.4.1 clc;clear; //example 19.4w //calculation of the object distance and the angular magnification //given data fo=1*10^-2//focal length(in m) of the objective lens fe=5*10^-2//focal length(in m) of the eyepiece d=12.2*10^-2//separation(in m) between the objective lens and the eyepiece D=25*10^-2//least distance(in m) for the clear visio //calculation ve=-D//image distance for the eyepiece ue=1/((1/ve)-(1/fe))//object distance for eyepiece....by the lens formula vo=d-abs(ue)//image distance for objective lens uo=1/((1/vo)-(1/fo))//object distance for objective lens....by the lens formula m=(vo/uo)*(1+(D/fe))//angular magnification printf('the object should be placed at a distance of %3.1f cm from the objective lens to focus it properly',abs(uo*10^2)) printf('\nthe angular magnification is %d',m)