//developed in windows XP operating system 32bit //platform Scilab 5.4.1 clc;clear; //example 13.4 //calculation of the difference in the pressures at A and B point //given data A1=1*10^-4//area(in m^2) at point A of the tube A2=20*10^-6//area(in m^2) at point B of the tube v1=10*10^-2//speed(in m/s) of the ingoing liquid rho=1200//density of the liquid(in kg/m^3) //calculation v2=A1*v1/A2//equation of continuity //by Bernoulli equtation.....P1 + (rho*g*h1) + (rho*v1^2/2) = P2 + (rho*g*h2) + (rho*v2^2/2) deltaP=(1/2)*rho*(v2^2-v1^2) printf('the difference in the pressures at A and B point is %d Pa',deltaP)