//developed in windows XP operating system 32bit //platform Scilab 5.4.1 clc;clear; //example 11.5w //calculation of the work done by an external agent //given data //E = (10 N/kg)(i + j).....given gravitational field Ex=10//value of X-component of gravitational field(in N/kg) Ey=10//value of Y-component of gravitational field(in N/kg) m=2//mass(in kg) of the gravitational field x0=0//value of X component of initial location(in m) x1=5//value of X component of final location(in m) y0=0//value of Y component of initial location(in m) y1=4//value of Y component of final location(in m) //calculation function Fx=fx(x) Fx=m*Ex//value of X component of force endfunction function Fy=fy(x) Fy=m*Ey//value of Y component of force endfunction //calculation W1=integrate('fx','x',x0,x1)//work done by X component of external force W2=integrate('fy','x',y0,y1)//work done by Y component of external force W=W1+W2 printf('the work done by the external agent is %d J',-W)