BWupl=890 BWupu=915 BWdwl=935 BWdwu=960 BWup=BWupu-BWupl//bandwidth uplink BWdw=BWdwu-BWdwl//bandwidth downlink if BWup==BWdw then disp(BWup,'in either case the maximum frequency hop or change from one frame to the next in MHz') else disp(BWup,'in uplink case the maximum frequency hop or change from one frame to the next in MHz') disp(BWdw,'in downlink case the maximum frequency hop or change from one frame to the next in MHz') end mecfup=BWupl+(BWupu-BWupl)/2//uplink transmission mfhup=BWup/mecfup disp(mfhup*100,'maximum frequency hop for uplink transmission in %') mecfdw=BWdwl+(BWdwu-BWdwl)/2//downlink transmission mfhdw=BWdw/mecfdw disp(mfhdw*100,'maximum frequency hop for downlink transmission in %')