clc clear //Input data P=200;//Power developed by a six cylinder diesel engine in kW N=2000;//Operating speed of the engine in rpm bs=0.2;//The brake specific fuel consumption in kg/kWh p1=35;//The pressure of air in the cylinder at the beginning of injection in bar p2=55;//Maximum cylinder pressure in bar p3=180;//Initial injection pressure in bar p4=520;//Maximum pressure at the injector in bar Cd=0.75;//Coefficient of discharge S=850;//Specific gravity of fuel p5=1;//Atmospheric pressure in bar a=16;//The crank angle over which injection takes place in degrees //Calculations Po=P/6;//Power output per cylinder in kW F=(Po*bs)/60;//Fuel consumed per cylinder in kg/min Fi=F/(N/2);//Fuel injected per cycle in kg T=a/(360*(N/60));//Duration of injection in s deltaP1=p3-p1;//Pressure difference at the beginning of injection in bar deltaP2=p4-p2;//Pressure difference at the end of injection in bar avP=(deltaP1+deltaP2)/2;//Average pressure difference in bar V=Cd*(2*(avP*10^5)/S)^(1/2);//Velocity of injection of fuel jet in m/s Vo=Fi/S;//Volume of fuel injected per cycle in m^3/cycle A=(Vo/(V*T))*10^6;//Area of fuel orifices in mm^2 //Output printf('The total orifice area required per injector if the injection takes place over 16 degree crank angle is %3.4f mm^2',A)