clc clear //Input data d=0.15;//Diameter of the piston in m l=0.19;//Length of the stroke in m V=0.00091;//Clearance volume in m^3 N=250;//Speed of the engine in rpm M=6.5;//Indicated mean effective pressure in bar c=6.3;//Gas consumption in m^3/hr H=16000;//Calorific value of the has in kJ/m^3 r1=1.4;//Polytropic index //Calculations Vs=(3.14*d^2*l)/4;//Swept volume in m^3 Vt=Vs+V;//Total cylinder volume in m^3 r=Vt/V;//Compression ratio na=(1-(1/r^(r1-1)))*100;//Air standard efficiency in percent A=(3.14*d^2)/4;//Area of the bore in m I=(M*10^5*l*A*N)/(1000*60);//Indicated power in kW Hs=(c*H)/(60*60);//Heat supplied per second nt=(I/Hs)*100;//Indicated thermal efficiency in percent //Output printf('(a)The air standard efficiency is %3.1f percent\n (b)Indicated power is %3.3f kW\n (c)Indicated thermal efficiency is %3.1f percent',na,I,nt)