clc clear //Input data P1=1;//Initial pressure of air in bar T1=300;//Initial temperature in K P2=17;//Pressure at the end of isentropic compression in bar P3=40;//Pressure at the end of constant volume heat addition in bar Cv=0.717;//Specific heat of mixture in kJ/kg K M=28.97;//Molecular weight in kg Ru=8.314;//Universial gas constant in kJ/kg mole K m=1;//Mass from which heat is extracted in kg W=363;//Work done in kN m //Calculations Rc=Ru/M;//Characteristic gas constant in kJ/kg K Cp=Rc+Cv;//Specific heat at constant pressure in kJ/kg K r=Cp/Cv;//Isentropic gas constant r1=(P2/P1)^(1/r);//Compression ratio na=(1-(1/r1)^(r-1))*100;//Air standard efficiency in percentage T2=T1*(P2/P1)^((r-1)/r);//Temperature at the end of isentropic compression process in K T3=(P3/P2)*T2;//Temperature at the end of constant volume heat addition in K Q=m*Cv*(T3-T2);//Heat supplied in kJ/kg V1=(m*Rc*T1*1000)/(P1*10^5);//Initial volume before compression in m^3 V2=V1/r1;//Volume at the end of compression stroke in m^3 Vs=V1-V2;//Stroke volume in m^3 MEP=(W/Vs)/100;//Mean effective pressure in bar //Output printf('(a)Compression ratio is %3.2f\n (b)The air standard efficiency is %3.1f percent\n (c)Mean effective pressure is %3.2f bar',r1,na,MEP)