clc clear //Input data P1=1;//Initial pressure of a simple closed cycle gas turbine plant in bar T1=298;//Initial temperature in K P2=5.1;//Pressure of gas after compression in bar T3=1123;//Temperature at the end of compression in K P3=P2;//Pressure at the end of constant pressure stroke P4=1;//Pressure of hot air after expansion in the turbine in bar r=1.4;//Isentropic constant Cp=1.005;//Specific heat of air in kJ/kg K //Calculations T2=T1*(P2/P1)^((r-1)/r);//Temperature at the end of process 1-2 in K T4=T3*(P4/P3)^((r-1)/r);//Temperature at the end of process 3-4 in K Wt=Cp*(T3-T4);//Work done by the turbine in kJ/kg Wc=Cp*(T2-T1);//Work required by the compressor in kJ/kg W=Wt-Wc;//Net work done by the turbine in kJ/kg P=1*W;//Power developed by the turbine assembly per kg per second in kW //Output printf('Power developed by the turbine assembly per kg of air supplied per second is %3.2f kW',P)