// function [P,degP] = rowjoin(P1,degP1,P2,degP2) // MATLAB FUNCTION rowjoin TO SUPERPOSE TWO POLYNOMIAL // MATRICES // H. Kwakernaak, July, 1990 function [P,degP] = rowjoin(P1,degP1,P2,degP2) [rP1,cP1] = polsize(P1,degP1); [rP2,cP2] = polsize(P2,degP2); if cP1 ~= cP2 error('rowjoin: Inconsistent numbers of columns'); end rP = rP1+rP2; cP = cP1; if degP1 >= degP2 degP = degP1; else degP = degP2; end if isempty(P1) P = P2; elseif isempty(P2) P = P1; else P = zeros(rP,(degP+1)*cP); P(1:rP1,1:(degP1+1)*cP1) = P1; P(rP1+1:rP,1:(degP2+1)*cP2) = P2; end endfunction