clc //initialisation of variables h1=3221.6 //kj/kg s1=7.399 //kj/kgk sf2=0.521 //kj/kgk sfg2=7.808 //kj/kgk hf2=152 //kj/kg hfg2=2415 //kj/kg t1=653 //temp in k t2=309.2 //temp in k v=0.1006*10^-2 p1=10 //pressure in bar p2=0.06 //pressure in bar h3=152 //kj/kg x=110 y=639.7 z=610 a=2015 //CALCULATIONS x2=(s1-sf2)/sfg2 h2=hf2+(x2*hfg2) wo=h1-h2 hs=h1-h3 theff=wo/hs sr1=3600/wo ceff=(t1-t2)/t1 wp=v*(p1-p2) h4=h3+wp reff=(x+y)/(z+a) sr2=3600/(x+y) hr=3600/reff printf('steam rate and carnot efficiency are %2fkg/kwh and %2f',sr1,ceff) printf('\nsteam rate and heat rate are %2fkg/kwh and %2f',sr2,hr)