//Chapter-11 example 37 //============================================================================= clc; clear; //Given data Pt = 500*10^3; // Peak pulse power in Watts pt = 50; // peak power transmitted by beacon in watts f = 2500*10^6; // Radar Operating frequency in Hz lamda = 0.12; // wavelength in m D = 64; // antenna diameter in m BW = 5000; // Radar Bandwidth Ab = 0.51; k = 1.38*10^-23; // Boltzmann constant F = 20 // Noise figure Fb = 1.1 // Noise figure of beacon To = 290; // Temperature in kelvin //Calculations Ar = (0.65*%pi*D*D)/4 Rmax = sqrt((Ar*Pt*Ab)/(lamda*lamda*k*To*BW*(F-1))); // Max tracking range of radar Rmax1 = sqrt((Ar*pt*Ab)/(lamda*lamda*k*To*BW*(Fb-1))); // Max tracking range of radar if Fb = 1.1 //output mprintf('Maximum Tracking Range of Radar is %3.3e Km\n Range of beacon if noise figure is 1.1 = %3.3e Km\n ',Rmax/1000,Rmax1/1000); mprintf('Note: Calculation mistake in textbook in calculating Range of beacon\n instead of 1.36*10^9 km range is wrongly printed as 136*10^6 km') //======================end of program==========================================