clc clear //Input data W=3.6//Work function of zinc in eV l=2000*10^-10//Wavelength of light used in m h=6.625*10^-34//Plancks constant in J.s c=3*10^8//Velocity of light in m/s e=1.6*10^-19//Charge of electron in Columbs m=9.1*10^-31//Mass of the electron in kg //Calculations lo=((h*c)/(W*e))//Threshold wavelength of zinc in m KE=((h*c*(lo-l))/(lo*l*e))//Kinetic energy of the photoelectrons in eV v=(sqrt((2*KE*e)/m))/10^5//Velocity of photoelectrons in m/s*10^5 //Output printf('The kinetic energy of the photoelectrons emitted is %3.2f eV \n The velocity of the ejected photoelectrons is %3.2f*10^5 m/s',KE,v)