//chapter-8 page 343 example 8.9 //============================================================================== clc; clear; //For a helical TWT c=3*10^8;//Velocity of light in m/sec d=0.002;//diameter in m x=5000;//no.of turns per m m=9.1*10^(-31);//mass of an electron in kg e=1.6*10^(-19);//charge of an electron in C //CALCULATION y=(%pi)*d;//circumference in m p=1/x;//pitch in m Vp=(c*p)/y;//Axial phase velocity in m/sec V0=((m*Vp^2)/(2*e));//The Anode voltage at which the TWT can be operated for useful gain in V //OUTPUT mprintf('\nAxial phase velocity is Vp=%6.2f m/sec \nThe Anode voltage at which the TWT can be operated for useful gain is V0=%2.2f V',Vp,V0); //=========================END OF PROGRAM===============================