//chapter-4 page 147 example 4.8 //============================================================================== clc; clear; a=10;//breadth of a rectangular waveguide in cm f=2.5*10^9;//Frequency in Hz in TE10 mode c=3*10^10;//Velocity of Light in cm/sec //CALCULATION wc=2*a;//Cutoff wavelength for TE10 mode in cm w0=(c/f);//Free space wavelength in cm x=sqrt(1-(w0/wc)^2); wg=(w0/x);//Guide wavelength in cm Vp=(c/x)/10^5;//Phase Velocity in Km/sec Vg=((c^2)/Vp)/10^10;//Group Velocity in Km/sec //OUTPUT mprintf('\nCutoff wavelength for TE10 mode is wc=%2.0f cm \nGuide wavelength is wg=%2.0f cm \nPhase Velocity is Vp=%7.2f Km/sec \nGroup Velocity is Vg=%6.2f Km/sec',wc,wg,Vp,Vg); //=========================END OF PROGRAM===============================