//chapter-4 page 153 example 4.18 //============================================================================== clc; clear; //For a TE10 mode a=1.5;//Length of an air filled square Waveguide in m b=1;//breadth of an air filled square Waveguide in cm c=3*10^10;//Velocity of Light in cm/sec f=6*10^9;//Impressed Frequency in Hz er=4;//dielectric constant //CALCULATION wc=2*a;//Cutoff wavelength in cm fc=(c/wc)/10^9;//Cutoff frequency in GHz disp('Cutoff frequency in GHz is'); disp(fc); disp('The impressed frequency of 6 GHz is less than the Cutoff frequency and hence the signal will not pass through the guide'); w=(c/f);//Wavelength in cm disp('Alternatively, the wavelength of the impressed signal in cm is'); disp(w); wair=w; disp('which is longer than the cutoff wavelength (3cm) and hence no propagation of the wave'); w1=wair/sqrt(er);//Wavelength in cm disp('If the waveguide is loaded with dielectric of er=4, then the wavelength in cm is'); disp(w1); disp('which is lessthan wair'); disp('Now the signal with 6 GHz frequency will pass through the dielectric loaded waveguide'); //=========================END OF PROGRAM===============================