//chapter-4 page 152 example 4.16 //============================================================================== clc; clear; n=120*(%pi);//Intrinsic Impedance a=3;//Length of Rectangular Waveguide in cm b=2;//Width of Rectangular Waveguide in cm f=10^10;//Frequency in Hz c=3*10^10;//Velocity of Light in cm/sec //CALCULATION wc=((2*a*b)/sqrt(a^2+b^2));//Cutoff wavelength in TM11 mode in cms w0=(c/f);//Free space wavelength in cms ZTM=(n*sqrt(1-(w0/wc)^2));//Characteristic Wave Impedance in ohms //OUTPUT mprintf('\nCharacteristic Wave Impedance is ZTM=%2.3f ohms',ZTM); //=========================END OF PROGRAM================================= //Note: Check the given answer once it is wrong //currect answer is 163.242 ohms