//chapter-10 page 487 example 10.3 //============================================================================== clc; clear; //For a microwave LOS link f=2*10^9;//frequency of operation in Hz c=3*10^8;//Velocity of light in m/sec r=50000;//repeater spacing in m PrdBm=-20;//required carrier power at the receiver i/p to avoid deterioration due to fading and noise in dBm GtdB=34;//antenna gain of transmitter in dB GrdB=34;//antenna gain of receiver in dB LdB=10;//coupling and waveguide loss in transmitter in dB //CALULATION w=c/f;//wavelength in m x=(w^2)/(4*(%pi)); y=(4*(%pi)*r^2); PtdBm=PrdBm+(10*log10(y))-GtdB-(10*log10(x))+LdB-GrdB;//The required Carrier Transmitter power in dBm //OUTPUT mprintf('\nThe required Carrier Transmitter power is PtdBm=%2.1f dBm',PtdBm); //=========================END OF PROGRAM===================================