// Scilab code Exa6.11: : Page-244 (2011) clc; clear; t_p = 33/0.92*365*84800; // Partial half life for beta emission, sec E_0 = 0.51; // Kinetic energy Z = 55; // Atomic number of cesium log_fb = 4.0*log10(E_0)+0.78+0.02*Z-0.005*(Z-1)*log10(E_0); // Comparitive half life log_ft1 = log_fb+log10(t_p); // Forbidden tansition // For 8 percent beta minus emission t_p = 33/0.08*365*84800; // Partial half life, sec E_0 = 1.17; // Kinetic energy Z = 55; // Atomic energy log_fb = 4.0*log10(E_0)+0.78+0.02*Z-0.005*(Z-1)*log10(E_0); // Comparitive half life log_ft2 = log_fb+log10(t_p); // Forbidden transition // Check the degree of forbiddenness !!!!! if log_ft1 <= 10 then printf("\nFor 92 percent beta emission :") printf("\n\tTransition is once forbidden and parity change"); end if log_ft2 >= 10 then printf("\nFor 8 percent beta emission :") printf("\n\t ransition is twice forbidden and no parity change"); end // Result // For 92 percent beta emission : // Transition is once forbidden and parity change // For 8 percent beta emission : // Transition is twice forbidden and no parity change