// Scilab code Exa4.4 : : Page 178 (2011) clc; clear; V = 1000; // Operating voltage of Counter, volt x = 1e-004; // Time taken, sec b = 2; // Radius of the cathode, cm a = 0.01; // Diameter of the wire, cm E_r = V/(x*log(b/a)); // Radial electric field, V/m C = 1e+009; // Total counts in the GM counter T = C/(50*60*60*2000); // Life of the G.M. Counter, year printf("\nThe radial electric field: %4.2eV/m\nThe life of the G.M. Counter : %5.3f years", E_r, T); // Result // The radial electric field: 1.89e+006V/m // The life of the G.M. Counter : 2.778 years