//Chapter-5, Example 5.42, Page 209 //============================================================================= clc clear //INPUT DATA V1=400;//voltage in volts Z1=(3+((%i)*4));//impedance in ohms //CALCULATIONS //in star connected system,phase voltage=(line voltage) Ep=V1/(sqrt(3));//voltage in volts Ip=Ep/Z1;//current in A ip1=abs(Ip);//line current in A theta=atan((imag(Ip)/real(Ip))); Pt=sqrt(3)*V1*ip1*cos(theta);//total power consumed in load in W mprintf("Thus total power consumed in load is %f W",Pt); //note:for line current the answer given is 46.02A instead of 46.2 A and hence total power consumed changes //=================================END OF PROGRAM======================================================================================================