//Chapter-5, Example 5.2, Page 157 //============================================================================= clc clear function [polar] = r2p(x,y)//function to convert rectangular to polar polar = ones(1,2) polar(1) = sqrt ((x ^2) +(y^2)) polar(2) = atan (y/x) polar(2) =(polar (2)*180)/%pi endfunction function [ rect ] = p2r(r,theta)//function to convert polar to rectangular rect = ones(1,2) theta =( theta *%pi) /180 rect (1)=r* cos(theta) rect (2)=r* sin(theta) endfunction //CALCULATIONS //for subdivision 1 I1=p2r(10,60); I2=p2r(8,-45); I3=I1+I2; disp(I3); I4=r2p(I3(1),I3(2)); disp(I4) //for subdivision 2 I5=r2p(5,4); I6=r2p(-4,-6); I7(1)=(I5(1))*(I6(1)); I7(2)=(I5(2)+I6(2)); I7(2)=I7(2)-180; disp(I7); //for subdivision 3 I8=r2p(-2,-5); I9=r2p(5,7); I10(1)=I8(1)/I9(1); I10(2)=I8(2)-I9(2); I10(2)=I10(2)-180 disp(I10); //note:here direct functions for converson are not available and hence we defined user defined functions for polar to rect and rect to polar conversions //=================================END OF PROGRAM======================================================================================================