//Chapter-1, Example 1.18, Page 27 //============================================================================= clc; clear; //INPUT DATA p20=1.724*10^-8;//specific resistance of copper in ohm m a=0.0043;//temperature coefficient of copper at 0 degree centigrade measured in per degree centigrade r1=8;//inner radius of copper circular ring in cm r2=6;//axial thickness in cm r3=4;//radial thickness in cm a1=r2*r3*10^-4;//area of cross-section of ring in m^2 r2=r2*2; l=%pi*((r1+r2)/2)/100;//length of semicircular ring between faces in m t1=20;//temperature 20 degree centigrade t2=50;//temperature 50 degree centigrade //CALCULATIONS R20=p20*(l/a1);//resistance of ring at 20 degree centigrade in ohm R50=R20*[(1+(a*t2))/(1+(a*t1))];//resistance of ring at 50 degree centigrade in ohm //OUTPUT mprintf("Thus the resistance of wire at 50 degree centigrade is %g ohms",R50); //=================================END OF PROGRAM==============================