//Chapter 3 //Example 3-14 //ProbOnVoltageGain //Page 62,63, Figure 3-11 clear;clc; //Given Rf = 40*10^3; R1 = 10*10^3; //Example 3-14(a) Acl = (Rf + R1)/R1; printf("\n\n Value of Voltage Gain = %.4f \n\n",Acl) //Example 3-14(b) x=[0 2.5 5 7.5 10] y=[-2 0 2 0 -2] subplot(2,2,1) a=gca() a.thickness = 1; a.x_location = 'middle'; plot2d(x,y,style=3,rect=[0,-2,10,2]) xtitle ( " Ei Vs t " , " t(ms) " , " Ei(V) " ); subplot(2,2,2) x1=[0 2.5 5 7.5 10] y1=[-10 0 10 0 -10] x2=[0 2.5 5 7.5 10] y2=[-2 0 2 0 -2] a=gca() a.thickness = 1; a.x_location = 'middle'; plot2d(x1,y1,style=3,rect=[0,-15,10,15]) plot2d(x2,y2,style=1) xtitle ( " Vo Vs t " , " t(ms) " , " Vo and Ei " ); legend ( " Vo Vs t " , " Ei Vs t "); xtitle ( " CRO waveshape of Vo and Ei Vs t ") subplot(2,2,3) //Example 3-14(c) x=[-2 -1 0 1 2] y=[-10 -5 0 5 10] a=gca() a.thickness = 1; a.x_location = 'middle'; a.y_location = 'middle'; plot2d(x,y,style=3,rect=[-2,-15,2,15]) xtitle ( " Vo Vs Ei " , " Ei(V) " , "Vo(V) " ); legend ( " Slope = +5 "); xtitle ( "Input-output characteristic of a noninverting Amplifier")