clc clear //input data DmDp=1/10//The model ratio to prototype Pm=1.84//Power developed by the model in kW Hm=5//Head developed by the model in m Nm=480//Speed of the model in rpm Hp=40//Head developed by the prototype in m //calculations Np=((Hp/Hm)^(1/2))*(DmDp)*(Nm)//Speed of the prototype in rpm Pp=((1/DmDp)^(5))*((Np/Nm)^(3))*Pm//Power developed by the prototype in kW Nsp=((Np*((Pp)^(1/2)))/((Hp)^(5/4)))//Specific speed of the prototype Nsm=((Nm*((Pm)^(1/2)))/((Hm)^(5/4)))//Specific speed of the prototype //output printf('(a)Power developed by the prototype is %3i kW\n(b)Speed of the prototype is %3.2f rpm\n(c)Specific speed of the prototype is %3.1f\n(d)Specific speed of the model is %3.1f\n Thus the specific speed of the model is equal to the prototype and thus it is verified',Pp,Np,Nsp,Nsm)