clc,clear printf('Example 2.19\n\n') V=110 P=4 R_a = 0.1,R=0.01 //A resistance of 0.01 ohms R_se=R+R //case(i) I_1=50, I_a1=I_1 N_1=700 E_b1 = V -I_a1*(R_a + R_se) //T (prop.) phi*I_a from torque equation (1) //phi_1 (prop.) I_a1 (2) //case(ii) when I_a2 gets divided to half //phi_2 (prop.) I_a2/2 (3) //combining (1)(2)(3) and T1=T2 I_a2 = sqrt(2*I_a1^2) R_se_eqvt=(R*R)/(R+R) //Equavalent of parallel combination E_b2 = V - I_a2*R_a - I_a2* R_se_eqvt //Using speed equation N (prop.) E_b / phi and using (2) and (3) N_2 = N_1 *( E_b2/E_b1) *(I_a1/(I_a2/2)) printf('Speed after reconnection = %.3f r.p.m\n\n',N_2)