clc clear //INPUT DATA Eg=1*1.6*10^-19//Energy gap in J E=0.1*1.6*10^-19//Fermi level is shifted by 10% in J me=1*9.11*10^-31//The electron mobility in m^2 V^-1 s^-1 mh=4*9.11*10^-31//Effective mass of holes is 4 times that of electrons that is the hole mobility in m^2 V^-1 s^-1 m=9.11*10^-31//mass of an electron in Kg kb=1.38*10^-23//Boltzmann's constant m^2 Kg s^-2 k^-1 //CALCULATION T=(4*E)/(3*kb*log(4))//The Temperature of the fermi level shifted by 10% from the middle of the forbidden energy gap in K //OUTPUT printf('The Temperature of the fermi level shifted by 10percentage from the middle of the forbidden energy gap is %3.2f K',T)