// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Introduction to heat transfer by S.K.Som, Chapter 3, Example 2") //Temperature in K at four edges are given //Theta is non dimensional temperature defined as ((T-300)/100) where T is actual temperature in K. //Given length as well as the breadth of square plate is ''a'' //Problem can be divided into two modules //Solution to module 1 is given by Eq. 3.23 //Solution of first module is non dimensional temperature theta1 //theta1=2*sinh(pi*y/a)*sin(pi*x/a)/(sinh(pi)) //Solution to module 2 is given by Eq. 3.24 //Solution of second module is non dimensional temperature theta2 //theta2=sinh(pi*x/a)*sin(pi*y/a)/(sinh(pi)) //Therefore disp("Steady state non dimensional temperature is") disp("theta=2*sinh(pi*y/a)*sin(pi*x/a)/(sinh(pi)) + sinh(pi*x/a)*sin(pi*y/a)/(sinh(pi))") //At the centre, x coordinate and y coordinate in unit are //x=a/2, y=a/2 //Non dimensional temperature at centre point theta = (2*sinh(%pi/2))/sinh(%pi)+sinh(%pi/2)/sinh(%pi); //Temperature in K at centre point disp("Temperature in K at centre point") T = theta*100+300