// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Introduction to heat transfer by S.K.Som, Chapter 11, Example 3") disp("The view factors F13 and F31 between the surfaces 1 and 3 are ") //Determine the view factors F13 and F31 between the surfaces 1 and 3. //F1-2,3=F12+F13 //So F13=F1-2,3-F12 //Let F1-2,3=F123 //From Radiation Shape factor b/w two perpendicular rectangles with a commom edge table we get F12=.027,F1-2,3=0.31 F123=0.31;//View factor F12=.27;//View factor F13=F123-F12//View factor //A1,A2 and A3 are the emitting surface areas //From reciprocity relation F31=(A1/A3)/F13 A1=2; A3=2.5; F31=(A1/A3)*F13