// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Introduction to heat transfer by S.K.Som, Chapter 10, Example 3") //A cross flow heat exchanger with both fluids unmixed is used to heat water((specific heat,cc=4.18kJ/(kg*K)) from temprature Tci=50°C to Tco=90°C //flowing at the mass flow rate of (mdotc)=1kg/s Tci=50; Tco=90; cc=4.18*10^3; mdotc=1; //The hot engine oil has (specific heat,ch=1.9kJ/(kg*K)) flowing at the mass flow rate of mdoth=3kg/s enters at temprature Thi=100°C mdoth=3; Thi=100; ch=1.9*10^3; //The unknown outlet temprature(Tho) of oil may be found from energy balance mdotc*(Tco-Tci)=mdoth*(Tho-Thi) disp("The outlet temprature(Tho) of oil in °C ") Tho=Thi-[(mdotc*cc)/(mdoth*ch)]*(Tco-Tci) disp("For a counterflow heat exchanger") deltaT1=Thi-Tco;//deltaT1 is temprature difference deltaT2=Tho-Tci;//deltaT2 is temprature difference //LMTD(log mean temprature difference) is defined as (deltaT2-deltaT1)/(ln(deltaT2/deltaT1)) for counter flow. disp("LMTD is given by (deltaT2-deltaT1)/(ln(deltaT2/deltaT1)) in °C ") //let X=log10((deltaT2/deltaT1)) and Y=log10(2.718281) X=log10((deltaT2/deltaT1)); Y=log10(2.718281); ln=X/Y; LMTD=(deltaT2-deltaT1)/ln //Area(A)=20m^2 A=20; //We have to employ correction factor(F) for the cross flow arrangement. //We evaluate dimensionless parameters P=(Tco-Tci)/(Thi-Tco) and R=(Thi-Tho)/(Tco-Tci). disp("dimensionless parameters P and R are") P=(Tco-Tci)/(Thi-Tci) R=(Thi-Tho)/(Tco-Tci) disp("correction factor(F) for the cross flow arrangement as obtained from graph of F vs Single Pass flow with fluids unmixed") F=0.75 //The rate of heat transfer can be calculate as Q=mdoth*ch*(Th1-Th2) Q=mdotc*cc*(Tco-Tci); //overall heat transfer coefficient(U)=Q/(A*F*LMTD) disp("overall heat transfer coefficient(U)=Q/(A*F*LMTD)in W/(m^2*K)") U=Q/(A*F*LMTD)