// Display mode mode(0); // Display warning for floating point exception ieee(1); clear; clc; disp("Introduction to heat transfer by S.K.Som, Chapter 1, Example 1") //The temprature of two faces of the slabs are T1=40°C & T2=20°C //The thickness of the slab(L) is 80mm or .08m //The thermal conductivity(k)of the material is .20 W/(m*K) T1=40; T2=20; L=.08; k=.20; //The steady state heat transfer rate per unit area through the thick slab is given by q=k(T1-T2)/L disp ("The steady state heat transfer rate per unit area through the thick slab is given by q=k(T1-T2)/L in W/m^2 ") q=k*(T1-T2)/L