//The Gerchgorin circle clc; clear; close(); format('v',9); x = [0:.1:14]; plot2d(0,0,-1,"031"," ",[0,-5,14,5]); plot(x,0); A = [5 1 0;-1 3 1;-2 1 10]; disp(A,'A = '); for i=1:3 disp(A(i,i),'Centers are : '); radius = 0; for j=1:3 if j~=i then radius = radius + abs(A(i,j)); end end disp(radius,'Radius : '); xarc(A(i,i)-radius,radius,2*radius,2*radius,0,360*64); end disp('The figure indicates that 2 of the eigenvalues of A lie inside the intersected region of 2 circles, and the remaining eigen value in the other circle.');