//To Determine the necessary settings of Regulators //Page 482 clc; clear; l=3;//Length of the line Vlc=2450; //Regulated Voltage Vcp=12800; //Primary of customer transformer //Base Values Vlbp=2400; //Primary Bus Voltage of Customer's Bus(Low Voltage) Vlbs=4160;//Secondary Bus Voltage of Customer's Bus Sb=5000; //Power in kVA r=0.3; //Line Resistance per mile x=0.8; //Line Reactance per mile Vhbp=7390;//Primary Bus Voltage of High Voltage Bus Vhbs=12800;//Secondary Bus Voltage of High Voltage Bus PTn=63.5; //Potential Transformer Turns Ratio CTp=250;//Current Transformer Turns Ratio VRP=Vlc/Vlbp;//Voltage at RP Vll=Vhbs/1000; //Line Voltage VBsec=Vcp/(sqrt(3)*PTn); //Secondary Reading of the Customer Transformer VRRset=VRP*VBsec; //Setting of the voltage-setting dial of VRR Zb=(Vll^2)*1000/Sb; //Applicable Impedance Base Ztpu=0.05*%i;//Transformer Impedance per unit Zt=Ztpu*Zb;//Transformer Impedance //Effective Resistances and Reactances Reff=(r*l)+real(Zt); Xeff=(x*l)+imag(Zt); Rset=CTp*Reff/PTn; //X Dial Setting of LDCs Xset=CTp*Xeff/PTn; //X Dial Setting of LDCs printf('\na) The Necessary Setting of the voltage-setting dial of the VRR of each single phase regulator in use is %g V\n',VRRset) printf('b) R and X dial settings of LDS is %g ohm and %g ohm respectively\n',Rset,Xset)