//To determine the number of steps of buck and boost the regulators will achieve //Page 480 clc; clear; //From Problems 4 and 5 the co-effcients are obtained VRRpu=1.035; Vreg4=1.0337; Vreg5=1.0666; VRP4=1.0337; VRP5=1.0138; Vmin=1.010; //For s= 1.75 //Steps Buck4=(VRRpu-VRP4)/(0.00625); Buck5=(VRRpu-VRP5)/(0.00625); Boost4=(Vreg4-Vmin)/(0.00625); Boost5=(Vreg5-Vmin)/(0.00625); printf('\na) The Number of steps of buck and number is steps of boost in example 9-4 is %g and %g respectively\n',Buck4,Boost4) printf('\nb) The Number of steps of buck and number is steps of boost in example 9-5 is %g and %g respectively\n',Buck5,Boost5)