clear all; clc; disp("Scilab Code Ex 9.1 : ") //Given: tou = 25; //MPa sigma1 = 50; //MPa sigma2 = 80; //MPa phi = 30*(%pi/180); // Calculations: sigma_x1 = (sigma1*cos(phi)*cos(phi))- (tou*cos(phi)*sin(phi)) - (sigma2*sin(phi)*sin(phi))- (tou*sin(phi)*cos(phi)); tou1 = (sigma1*cos(phi)*sin(phi))+ (tou*cos(phi)*cos(phi)) + (sigma2*sin(phi)*cos(phi))- (tou*sin(phi)*sin(phi)); sigma_x2 = (tou*cos(phi)*sin(phi))- (sigma2*cos(phi)*cos(phi)) + (tou*sin(phi)*cos(phi))+ (sigma1*sin(phi)*sin(phi)); tou2 = (tou*cos(phi)*cos(phi))+ (sigma2*cos(phi)*sin(phi)) - (tou*sin(phi)*sin(phi))+ (sigma1*sin(phi)*cos(phi)); //Display: printf("\n\nThe normal stress component in the x diection is = %1.2f MPa',sigma_x1); printf("\n The shear stress component in the x diection is = %1.1f MPa',tou1); printf("\n The normal stress component in the y diection is = %1.1f MPa',sigma_x2); printf("\n The shear stress component in the y diection is = %1.1f MPa',tou2); //----------------------------------------------------------------------END--------------------------------------------------------------------------------