clear all; clc; disp("Scilab Code Ex 7.6 : ") //Given: F = 40; //N s = 9; //cm h = 5; //cm t = 0.5; //cm w = 3; //cm w_3 = w/3; //cm //Calculations: I = (w*h^3)/12 - (2*w_3*(h - 2*t)^3)/12; //Case 1: Q1 = ((h-t)/2)*(w*t); V1 =((F/s)*I)/Q1 ; //q = VQ/I //Case2: Q2 = ((h-t)/2)*(w_3*t); V2 =((F/s)*I)/Q2 ; //q = VQ/I //Display: printf("\n\nThe largest vertical shear that can be supported in Case 1 = %1.1f N',V1); printf("\nThe largest vertical shear that can be supported in Case 2 = %1.1f N',V2); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------END---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------